It is still fresh in our memories that we witnessed the case of George Floyd's murder by excessive police brutality. The video footage spread around the world overnight, and despite the incident that occured during the first ever COVID-19 quarantine period, it caught the attention of people worldwide and led to protests in support of humanity and Black lives. At that time, I was living in an apartment facing Flatbush Ave, and I saw the protests outside my window every week.

What made it remarkable was that, while delivering their message, they played Public Enemy's "Fight the Power" in the background. The song was originally released in 1989, and following the unjust trial of police brutality agains Rodney King in 1992, it was repeatedly played. And yes, it was more than 30 years ago when the movement began with the song. I was at a loss for words yet extremely frustrated that people still have to raise their voices for the same issue and for the same cause after long 30 years.

But have we really not overcome in the last 30 years? The internet is a common standard in this century, and the world is smaller "where reaching out for a 70-year old's wisdom in a small village of 8,000 miles of distance or a New York Times' best selling author is now a click away. With all the progress we achieved, do we still fight the power with a 30-year old song? Let's see how things have changed around the song with data.